Thursday, October 31, 2013

I was one of the few in class who had no idea what a podcast was.  I knew there was a tab for them on itunes but I had never looked at them.  As you can imagine, I learned a whole lot from the group presentation on podcasting.  

Who knew it was so easy to make your own podcast?! What a fun activity for students to try!  I thought more about incorporating this into my classroom when Liz taught us about audioblogger.  This seemed like a relatively easy tool for students to use to create their very own audio diary/podcast/blog.  I know the students would be excited to try any assignment that allowed them to use their cellphones!  I can see them being excited and engaged in whatever assignment I chose to use the podcasting for.  

Another interesting thing I learned from the presentation was that there are thousands of podcasts available and FREE on itunes!  You can search by whatever you want and have many different options.  I drive an hour everyday so I listen to TED talks in the car.  The problem with that is sometimes they refer to their Powerpoint presentations that I am not able to watch as I am driving.  I think listening to podcasts would be a better option.  

Overall the presentation influenced me to listen to podcasts and perhaps try having my students record short messages as homework.  The presentation did not motivate me to make my own podcasts.  That still seems a little to tech advanced for me :) 

1 comment:

  1. Jeni - I share your same thoughts. I was unfamiliar with podcasting before the presentation and now I can really see myself using them in the classroom. I think it is important to expose students to different representations of information and teach them how to use them for their learning. Maybe some students learn better when they are listening to something. Knowing which way you learn best is also a useful tool for college. I also agree that I do not necessarily see myself creating my own podcasts. But, with so many free resources why not take advantage of what's already out there? I wonder what this will look like in our future classrooms, and if I would decide to have students create their own podcasts instead of me creating it for them.
